The primary responsibility of the Board of Directors is to raise funds to bring deserving children from underserved communities to camp, where they will be able to grow and develop in an encouraging and supportive environment. Summer camp has had a tremendous influence on the lives of the board members and their families over the years. Each individual strongly believes in the positive outcomes that follow attendance at a well run camp program. They are committed, 365 days a year, to try and provide similar opportunities as they had to underserved youth.
Board Member Since:
Favorite Childhood Book:
The "Choose Your Own Adventure" Series
Why I Serve:
I grew up going to the Adirondacks with my family during the summer. This was a time of great outdoor adventures, making friends, meeting new people, learning new things, and just having fun. Looking back, this time was very meaningful as I was growing up and an experience I would love to share in some way with others.
Serving on the Board of Hawkeye Campership Fund allows me to provide kids the opportunity to connect, grow, and develop in a similar way that I did, by going to camp. Camp Hawkeye has been so transformative for those we have sponsored, and incredibly meaningful for me.
Board Member Since:
Favorite Childhood Book:
Curious George
Why I Serve:
Our family became acquainted with HCF through our Camp Hawkeye experience. My twin boys started attending Camp Hawkeye in 2012 as campers. They continued as campers until they were eligible for the CIT leadership program which they both enjoyed. One of my boys, Sidney, most recently returned as a cabin counselor, archery lead and lifeguard in 2021.
As a parent of two young adults who spent almost a decade benefiting from an inclusive overnight camp, the experience helped shape these young men into responsible, open-minded, accepting, and philanthropic individuals. My motivation for serving on the Board is rooted in my desire to give back to this community and enable more young people the ability to attend and benefit from an overnight camp experience.
Deborah Colgan, TREASURER
Board Member Since:
Founding Member
Favorite Childhood Book:
Biographies of people who made a difference in the world, such as Florence Nightingale
Why I Serve:
I got to attend sleepaway camp because it was subsidized by our Girl Scout council; otherwise my family could never have afforded to send me to camp. I spent weeks living with people I didn't know from all over, some who looked like me and many who did not. It was a wonderful experience learning and sharing together, making new friendships that lasted a long time.
I want all children to be able to have the wonderful experience of living close to nature in the woods away from the stress and intensity of urban/suburban life, to meet knew friends from different parts of the country and the world, to learn new skills and work as a team to solve problems together. HCF makes it possible to break down the economic barrier for families who want the same opportunities for their kids as I had as a youth.
Why I Serve:
I joined as a parent and staff representative and believe HCF raises money to provide opportunities for young people that they might not other wise be able to experience. These experiences provide learning and growth opportunities, a space to be themselves, and a life of building friendships and memories.
Dave Lenhardt
Board Member Since:
Favorite Childhood Book:
A collection of "Myths and Legends" with stories about Jason & the Argonauts, Achilles, etc.
Why I Serve:
As a kid, I grew up playing/camping/hiking in the woods and assumed that it was a normal part of everyone’s childhood. Now that I know it’s *not* something that every kid gets to experience, I can appreciate the numerous ways that being close to nature has positively impacted my life. I think people (kids in particular) benefit immensely when given the opportunity to leave the artificial, man-made environment behind for a period of time to focus on interpersonal relationships, and I’d like to give that chance to those who wouldn’t otherwise experience that.